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Trivia with Global Leaderboard

Clues sourced from: New York Times (US), SMH (AU), Guardian (UK), Indian Express (IN), Who wants to be a millionaire, Jeopardy & Other Trivia sites

Clue: Famous First liners: “Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board.” of "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale __ (A powerful opening to one of the most important and enduring books of the 20th century.)(7)
Score: 0

Sortable Leaderboard

Username Score Country
skmurthy 4550 United States
Jeff 3440 United Kingdom
Pramod 367 India
Banjo 191 Australia
Bookoflead 123 United States
Vasant 104 United States
Madhavi 61 Australia
bgosh 58 Bangladesh
Malib 41 Bahrain
snbaravani 30 Australia
Rahul 10 Australia
dmBc 0 0
🔑 Email- Withdrawing #OZ92. GET >> https://tele 0 0
35.01htt7yk0tjtndsahr893p0fm7@mail4u.lt 0 0
tbzB 0 0
jWxm 0 0
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📨 Reminder- Transaction #AW27. WITHDRAW >>> out 0 0
MNdi 0 0
34.01htt7yk0tjtndsahr893p0fm7@mail5u.pw 0 0
Sanjay -50 United States
rxhuls -87 Australia


Pramod Shankarling: Testing by Site Owner

James: One of the best sites I have been to! Keep it up.

Shiv: Fantastic site Pramod !

Sudha: Would like to see more clips & transcripts for other shows like Vampire Diaries & 24.

Jeff: Love this CrossWordle page...spent a lot of time on it. :)

Anand: Amazing video clips...these are pretty much all my fav shows and I end up watching the re-runs here in India.

bgosh: I love Rick & Morty. Thanks for putting it in there.. Love from Dhaka.

Roberto: I like the Crosswordle page. Interesting question about the seed of the common fruit that contains cyanide. ciao.

Alex: I am from Miami. Love the trivias & Simpsons transcripts & vids. Great work !

Kyle: Love this stuff. Keen to see "According to Jim" transcripts as well.

Naresh: Hi Dost. Kaisa hai. You finally did it. Good stuff. will call you sometime.

Dave: Looks great Pramod ! Liked the Michael McEntyre clip in the Video section.

Vishwa: Loved the clip about how Chat GPT & Bard AI work. Thanks for putting it in there.

Janaki Gayatri : Wow Anna!!! Superb!!

Vinay : Excellent 👌👌👌

Lalita: Wow.. this is Amazing.. 😍

Sunil: Amazing!!

Steve: Great site!

Ramesh: Loved the 4D modals. What software did you use?

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